Plugin Setting Presets

Often, plugins have extensive sets of options which would normally need to be set whenever the plugin is to be run.

Hub provides a way to create settings presets which can be saved once and loaded multiple times, saving you time and effort.

Setting Presets are saved for the project and the plugin where you create them.

How to Save Plugin Setting Presets

Navigate to the project where you'd like to set the preset, and go to Settings -> Plugins. Click on Open on the plugin you'd like to set the preset for.

The Run Plugin dialog will open.

From the form on the right, set your plugin's settings, for example, the Class Mapping and the Config JSON.

Click on the button. The preset manager will pop up:

Write the name of your new preset and click on Add. Your current settings will be saved as a preset which you can load again later.

Click on the floppy disc icon of a preset to update the preset with the current settings, or click on the checkmark icon to set a preset as default.

If you set a preset as default, you will also be able to one-click run that preset directly from the labeling editor.

How to Load Plugin Setting Presets

From the Labeling Editor (Model Plugins Only)

Default Preset

If you have set a preset as default in the previous section, you may one-click run the plugin with that preset directly from the labeling editor.

To do so, open the asset you'd like to run the Model plugin on, then click on the icon above the asset. A dropdown will open listing all Model plugins active in the current organization.

If you have set a default preset, click on the name of the plugin to run the plugin with the default preset.

Other Presets

If you have not set a default preset, or if you wish to run the plugin using a preset other than the default, open the asset you'd like to run the Model plugin on, then click on the icon above the asset. A dropdown will open listing all Model plugins active in the current organization.

Click on the three dots to the right of the name of the plugin you'd like to run. The Run Plugin dialog will open.

From here, you'll be able to load an existing preset by clicking on the Load Preset dropdown and picking one, or you can tweak the plugin's settings manually and run it without setting or loading any preset.

From Settings

Navigate to the project where you'd like to set the preset, and go to Settings -> Plugins. Click on Open on the plugin you'd like to set the preset for.

The Run Plugin dialog will open.

From the form on the right, click on the dropdown named Load Preset, then select the preset you'd like to load.

When you click on a preset, its settings will be loaded. You can then press on Run to run the plugin.

From Workflow

You can load a plugin preset when setting up a plugin that will be run automatically as part of a workflow.

To do so, navigate to your project, then the Workflow tab, and click on the Plugin stage where you'd like to load the preset. This dialog will appear:

Click on Load Preset to pick among one of the presets saved in your project for the plugin selected to load a preset. Click on the 'broom' icon to clear all settings and unselect the preset.

Last updated