All Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts
Shortcuts in parentheses are applicable to the macOS operating system.
All Labeling Editors
Click on object
Select object
Right Click
Open selected object context menu
Ctrl + A (⌘ + A)
Select all objects
Ctrl + Z (⌘ + Z)
Ctrl + Shift + Z (⌘ + Shift + Z)
Del (fn + ⌫)
Delete selected object
Hide selected object
Shift + H
Show/hide all annotations (except in the NIFTI/NRRD labeling editor)
Alt + Tool Shortcut (⌥ + Tool Shortcut)
Change category of selected object
Click on an object to select it, for example a bounding box. Press Alt + the shortcut of another class in your project sharing the same type as the selected object (e.g. another bounding box). The selected bounding box will change its category.
Copy ID of selected object
Esc (when a tool is selected)
Deselect current tool
Up/Down Arrows
Navigate between annotations
You can navigate through annotations with this shortcut, each time selecting a different one.
Shift + Up/Down
Navigate between annotations, focusing on selected annotation
This is the same as the shortcut above, except in PDFs, you will jump (focus) to the location of the selected annotation.
Lock/unlock selected object.
Locked objects cannot be edited.
Complete single relation/group relation
Add description to object
This is the same as right-clicking on an annotation and clicking on "Update Description".
I (capital i)
Open issue on task or object
If an object is selected, pressing "i" will open an object-level issue. If no object is selected, the issue will be opened on the task in general.
Visual Labeling Editors (image, video, DICOM)
U / Shift + U
Increase/decrease brightness
J / Shift + J
Increase/decrease contrast
K / Shift + K
Increase/decrease color inversion
Q (With brush trace instance selected)
Switch to Brush mode
W (With brush trace instance selected)
Switch to Pen mode
E (With brush trace instance selected)
Switch to Eraser mode
R (With brush tool selected)
Toggle overwrite mode
Toggle on or off opacity for all visible objects
Image Labeling Editor
Shift + Up/Down
Navigate between annotations, focusing on selected annotation
Scroll Wheel
Zoom In/Out
Space + Left Mouse Button
Pan the asset while a tool is selected
Complete polygon/segmentation/polyline
Right Mouse Button (while editing a polygon)
Remove the last point
Ctrl + Right Mouse Button (⌃ + Right Mouse Button)
Remove Existing Polygon Point
Hover over a point of an existing polygon, and use the shortcut. This will delete the point.
Ctrl + Left Mouse Button (⌃ + Left Mouse Button)
Add point to existing polygon
Same as above, except it adds a point instead of removing it. You need to be hovering over an existing polygon point for the shortcut to activate.
Ctrl + Hover on Object List Item (in Object panel)
Jump to annotation
In PDFs, hold Ctrl (⌃) and hover with your mouse cursor over the list of objects in the Objects panel at the bottom right. Hub will jump to the annotation being hovered.
Switch image.
In multi-image single-page assets.
Shift + Z
Fit image to screen
Video Labeling Editor
Stop interpolation
In videos, it stops interpolation of the selected object. It disables it in such a way that it will not be visible from the current frame onward.
Scroll Wheel
Zoom In/Out
Move back/forward one frame
Alt + Z / Alt + C (⌥ + Z / ⌥ + C)
Move to the first/last frame in the video
Audio Labeling Editor
<- / ->
Move playhead backwards/forwards 5 seconds.
Shift + <- / Shift + ->
Select the previous/next annotation.
When an annotation is selected.
Start playing the audio file from the start of the selected entity annotation
When an annotation is selected.
PDF Labeling Editor
Shift + Up/Down
Navigate between annotations, focusing on selected annotation
This is the same as the shortcut above, except in PDFs, you will jump (focus) to the location of the selected annotation.
Ctrl + Hover on Object List Item (in Object panel)
Jump to annotation
In PDFs, hold Ctrl (⌃) and hover with your mouse cursor over the list of objects in the Objects panel at the bottom right. Hub will jump to the annotation being hovered.
Scroll Wheel
Scroll Document Up/Down
Text Labeling Editor
Shift + T
Toggle displaying entity classes next to each entity
Medical Labeling Editor
Space + Drag Cursor
Pans the view.
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel
Zooms the view being currently hovered by the mouse cursor.
Shift + Move Cursor
Multiplanar Translation
Navigates between slices in all other views to show the pixel you are hovering over in all views.
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Redo the last undone action.
Mouse Wheel
Navigate Slices
Move up and down between slices.
Middle Mouse Button
Pans the view.
When no labeling tools are selected
Click and Drag
Pans the view.
When no labeling tools are selected
Double Click
Full Screen
Switch between four-view and single-view modes.
When a labeling tool is selected
Shift + Mouse Wheel
Change Tool Size
Changes the size of the tool.
When a labeling tool is selected
W and Q
Change Tool
Move up and down in the tool list, changing the currently active tool.
When the "Window" icon is selected
Drag cursor up/down
Change Brightness
Dragging the cursor downwards will increase the brightness, dragging it upwards will decrease it.
When the "Window" icon is selected
Drag cursor left/right
Change Contrast
Moving the cursor to the left while holding Ctrl will increase contrast, moving it to the right will decrease it.
When the "Pen" tool is selected
Close Pen Trace
Closes the loop drawn with the pen and paints the pixels found inside it.
Navigate Between Frames
Moves back/forwards one frame.
Switch to Eraser
Switch to Brush
Switch to Pen
Last updated