SDK Documentation

How to install and use Ango Hub's Python SDK.

We provide a Python SDK to interface programmatically with Ango Hub.

SDK Installation

How to Install the Ango SDK

To use the Ango SDK, you will need the latest imerit-ango Python package, which we publish on PyPI.

To download and add the package to your current Python environment, simply run

pip install imerit-ango

How to upgrade the Ango SDK

To upgrade the imerit-ango package to its latest version in your current Python environment run

pip install -U imerit-ango

Obtaining your API Key

To use the imerit-ango package, you will need an API key. To obtain your API key, from your account page, enter the API tab. From here, you can create and copy your API key. For more information, please visit the Get your API Key page.

Creating a new API key will revoke the existing one.

Obtaining Project and Task IDs

Each project and task in Ango Hub is assigned its own unique ID. You may need to use such IDs in the SDK.

Project IDs

To obtain a project's ID, open the project and look at your browser's address bar. The URL will be in the format:<project_id>

Copy the project ID from your address bar.

Task and Asset IDs

To obtain Task and Asset IDs, from the Task or the Assets tab, open the task you'd like to copy the ID of. Then, open the Task Info panel on the right and copy the ID you need.

You may use one of the Copy to Clipboard buttons to speed up the process.

Environmental Variables

Snippets in this page make the assumption that you have your API key and other variables set as environmental variables.

To set environmental variables, install the python-dotenv package from pip by running

pip install python-dotenv

in your Python environment.

Then, create a file called .env in your environment's root folder. The contents of this .env file will look like this:


In your Python scripts, import the package and load the environmental variables by running load_dotenv() before using the variables in your script.

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv


You will then be able to access your environmental variables by using os.getenv("VAR_NAME"), like so:

API_KEY = os.getenv('API_KEY')

Project Level SDK Functions

Organization Level SDK Functions

Last updated