
Overview of assets as they are used on Ango Hub.

An asset is a piece of data to be annotated. Usually, an asset will be in the form of a file, for example, a .jpg image, a .mp3 audio, or a .txt text.

During labeling, Ango Hub will show annotators one asset at a time. The labeler will then annotate the asset using the labeling tools determined in the label set.

Ango Hub supports different categories of assets. See all the supported file types.

Check out how to import assets into Ango Hub.

Asset Attributes


Each asset has a file path associated with it.

To see an asset’s file path, in your project, enter the Assets tab, then hover with your cursor over an asset preview. The asset’s absolute path will be shown.

Thumbnail previews are only shown for videos, and for images under 10MB in size.

Clicking on the “Copy” symbol at the beginning of the path will copy the path to the clipboard.

External ID

Each asset is given a non-unique External ID.

This ID is used throughout the Ango Hub interface to identify the asset.

When importing assets from the browser, assets are given an External ID equal to their filenames, including the extension. When uploading assets using the Cloud Import functionality, External IDs are determined by the uploader in the JSON file.

Hovering the mouse cursor over an externalId will show the full external ID of the asset. Clicking on the “Copy” symbol at the beginning of the ID will copy the ID to the clipboard.

Created At

The Created At attribute shows the date and time when the asset was imported into Ango Hub.


Shown in the Tasks column is the task information for each asset.

If a task has been assigned to a user in the stage it is currently in, the letters in the circle are the initials of the user assigned to the task. The small symbol to its top right gives a hint to the task's position in the project's workflow.

A green checkmark indicates that the task is in the Completed stage.

A blue empty label indicates that the task is in a Labeling stage waiting to be annotated.

A yellow review label indicates that the task is in a Reviewing stage waiting to be reviewed.

A blue filled label at the top of the circle indicates that the labels in the task have been imported externally into Ango Hub. More on importing annotations here.

Last updated