Automatically send Ango Hub Webhook contents to Google Sheets, Email, Slack, and more with Zapier
This page describes how you can use Zapier to automatically send, in real time, the contents of webhooks sent by Ango Hub to services such as Google Sheets spreadsheets, Slack channels, and more.
Using the workflows described in this page involves sending annotation data to a third party tool.
Zapier allows you to receive webhook contents from Ango Hub and send them to a service of your choice. The contents of Ango Hub webhooks can be sent immediately, in real time, or they can be batched up so that you receive 10, 20, 100, or more at a time.
For example, some of the things you can do with Zapier and Ango Hub Webhooks are, (and are not limited to):
Receive an email every time 1/20/100/any number of assets are sent to the "Complete" stage
Receive a Slack message whenever a task needs Super QA attention
Add a new row to a Google Sheets spreadsheet or Notion page every time an annotation is completed, with the raw contents of the annotation
And much more, only limited by what Zapier offers. In this page I will outline a sample Zapier workflow which may be of use.
Prerequisite: Set Up Webhook in Ango Hub and Zapier
Please do this step before moving on to the rest of the page.
Once logged into Zapier, from the "Zaps" list, click on "+ Create" and then "New Zap":
Click on the "Trigger" block:
Click on "Webhooks by Zapier" (Note: this requires a Pro account.)
A form will appear. In the form, from the "Event" dropdown, pick "Catch Raw Hook", then click on "Continue" at the bottom of the page:
A URL will appear. (highlighted in image). Copy this URL as we will use it later.
On Ango Hub, navigate to the project where the data will be generated, and navigate to its Workflow page. Click on the Webhook stage which will generate the webhooks to be received by Zapier. In the "URL" field that appears, paste the URL we have just copied. Enter any text you want in the "Secret" field.
Click on "Save" to save your workflow.
On Ango Hub, pick a sample task, and fire your webhook.
For example, if on Ango Hub you connected your webhook stage to the "Accepted" output of a Review stage called "Internal QA", open a task which is in the "Internal QA" stage, and click on "Accept". This will fire the webhook.
If, for example, you connected the webhook stage to the output of a Label stage, annotate a task in that label stage and press on Submit.
Go back to Zapier and click on "Test Trigger":
A table should appear, and in the table, you should see a number of requests, usually two. Click on the requests to see them, and ultimately click on the one which has the "Raw Body" property. Then, click on "Continue with selected record".
This completes the webhook setup. If, in the last step, you do not see any request, please repeat the steps and ensure you have pasted the correct URL to the Webhook stage, and ensure you have correctly performed the actions on Ango Hub in step 9 to trigger your webhook.
Now, we will pick what we want to do with the contents of the webhook.
Sample workflow: adding annotations in real time to a Google Sheets spreadsheet
While many options are available, in this sample workflow, I will add the contents of the webhook to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.
First, ensure you have a Google Sheets spreadsheet. You must have editor access to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet must also contain at least one header. In this case, for example, I have a simple spreadsheet with only one header called "content":
If you have followed the previous steps, on Zapier, you should have a Zap with a completed Trigger and an empty Action, like so:
Click on the Action to open the Action picker. (if you have followed the previous steps, this dialog should already have been opened for you.)
From the dialog, search for and pick the Google Sheets option:
A form will appear. In the "App & event" tab of the form, from the "Event" dropdown, pick "Create Spreadsheet Row":
Click on "Continue" at the bottom. You will be sent to the "Account" tab of the form.
If you have not connected your Zapier and Google accounts before, click on "Connect" (or similar word) to connect the two accounts. Then, click on Continue again to navigate to the "Action" tab of the form.
Pick the Google Drive containing the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet itself, and the worksheet from the dropdowns.
New dropdowns will appear, one for each header in your spreadsheet. In my case I only had one header, called "content". From the dropdown under your header, pick "Raw Body":
Click on "Continue", you will be sent to the "Test" tab of the form. Click on "Test step".
Navigate back to your spreadsheet. You should see a new row, with the label contents you had created previously on Ango Hub.
If it looks correct, navigate back to Zapier and click on "Publish".
You are now done. Every time a webhook is sent from that Webhook stage on Ango Hub, you will receive its contents here.
More: Getting notified by email every time a number of webhooks has been sent
We can set Zapier up such that not only the contents of the webhooks are sent to Google Sheets – you can also be notified by email whenever any number of webhooks have been sent.
For example, you can receive an email whenever 10, 100, or 1200 tasks have passed review, or have entered a specific "Hold" stage (or anything else).
To do so, we will need to add a new step to our Zap by clicking on the + button:
Pick the "Formatter by Zapier" option:
From the dropdown that appears, pick "Numbers":
Fill up the "Action" tab of the form like so, replacing "10" with the number you'd like. In this case, for example, I will be notified whenever 10 assets are annotated (e.g. batch size will be 10):
Click on "Continue" at the bottom and then on "Test Step".
Add a new step to the Zap, and from the picker, pick "Filter by Zapier". Fill its form like the following and click on "Test step", then "Continue":
Lastly, add a new step to the Zap for the messaging service you'd like to use. For example, you may pick Gmail and select the "Send Email" event to send an email whenever a number of webhooks have been sent. Then in the email, if you so wish, you can include a link to the original spreadsheet.
Note the position of the Webhook stage. As, in this case, it is connected to the "Accepted" output of the "Review" stage, this means that a webhook will be fired every time a task is accepted in that review stage.