I get a "0 Tasks Labeled" alert when trying to pre-label tasks
Most likely, you are attempting to pre-label tasks which are not in the Start stage. Only tasks in the Start stage can be pre-labeled.
By default, tasks skip the Start stage and are automatically forwarded to the stage connected to the output of Start. This is visible in the Workflow tab, when a dotted line runs from the output of Start to the input of another stage:
It is for this reason that by default, pre-labeling is disabled.
How to Activate Pre-Labeling and Pre-Label Tasks
Go to the Workflow tab, then click on the Start stage and disable the Auto Forward toggle. This will ensure tasks remain in the Start stage when created. The dashed line will turn to a fully filled-in line.
Import your pre-labels, ensuring the tasks you are trying to pre-label are currently in the Start stage.
Last updated