Stage History

The stageHistory object is part of the task object in the Ango Annotation Format.

Each asset, in Ango Hub, goes through workflow stages. The stageHistory object contains a 'snapshot' of the task object of the asset as it left each stage before the stage of which the export was taken.

For example, if the asset went through Start, then a Label stage, then Review then Complete, and you get the export of all assets in the Complete stage, the stageHistory object of all assets in the export will contain the task object of the asset as it left each previous stage, so Start, Label, and Review.

General Structure

"stageHistory" : [
    { <task object of asset as it was in first stage },
    { <task object of asset as it was in second stage },
    { ... }


This task went through the Start and Label stages, then was sent to Complete. The export was obtained for tasks in Complete.

"stageHistory": [
        "stage": "Start",
        "stageId": "Start",
        "duration": 0,
        "completedAt": "2023-09-01T08:03:00.751Z",
        "tools": [],
        "classifications": [],
        "relations": []
        "stage": "Label",
        "stageId": "Label",
        "duration": 8217,
        "completedAt": "2023-09-01T08:05:21.104Z",
        "completedBy": "",
        "tools": [
            "bounding-box": {
              "x": 311.9559633027523,
              "y": 239.8383838383839,
              "height": 220.44444444444446,
              "width": 132.40366972477065
            "objectId": "3d94d5ead7fcc14859ee425",
            "classifications": [],
            "schemaId": "b1c6805d054f0e44ae11500",
            "title": "bb"
        "classifications": [],
        "relations": [],
        "brushDataUrl": ""

Last updated