TPT Export

The TPT Export plugin allows you to download a .csv file with key annotation performance metrics for a project of your choice.

Plugin Functionality

Adding the plugin to your organization will allow you to download a CSV spreadsheet containing the following data for each asset:

  • Batch

  • Stage

  • External ID

  • Task ID

  • Labeler Name / Reviewer Name

  • Label Date / Review Date

  • Label Duration / Review Duration

  • Number of Pages

  • Number of Annotations

    • Number of Classifications

    • Number of Tools

    • Number of Tool Classifications

    • Number of Relations

Using the Plugin

From the Plugin Directory, search for the name of the plugin and install the plugin to your organization. More information on installing plugins can be found on the Installing Plugins page.

The name of our TPT plugin is TPT Export Plugin


Navigate to the project where you'd like to get the data.

Enter the Settings tab, then the Plugins section.

Find the plugin, and click on Open. A dialog will appear:

Ensure the dot before the plugin's name is green. The dot indicates the plugin's status, where green signifies the plugin's code is running, and red signifies the plugin's code is not running.

You will not be able to run plugins the code of which isn't running.

In the Config JSON area, you can tweak seven different input parameters. By default, they are:

  "start_date": "2020-12-31",
  "end_date": null,
  "duration_unit": "sec",
  "count_nested_classifications": true,
  "include_key_frames_only": true,
  "verbose": false,
  "verbose_frequency": 1000
  • start_date: The starting date for the period over which the performance metrics will be calculated.

    • Example: "start_date": "2020-12-31" or "start_date": null

  • end_date: The ending date for the period over which the performance metrics will be calculated.

    • Example: "end_date": "2020-12-31" or "end_date": null

  • duration_unit: The unit of time for the metrics aggregation. This defines the granularity of the time per task metrics.

    • Options: "msec", "sec", "min", "hour"

    • Example: "duration_unit": "min"

  • count_nested_classifications: Determines whether nested classifications should be counted in the metrics.

    • Example: "count_nested_classifications": true

  • include_key_frames_only: Specifies whether only key frames should be included in the metrics calculation. (For video assets only)

    • Example: "include_key_frames_only": false

  • verbose: Controls the verbosity of the output. When enabled, more detailed logs and progress updates will be provided.

    • Example: "verbose": true

  • verbose_frequency: Specifies how often verbose logs should be generated, in terms of processed tasks.

    • Example: "verbose_frequency": 50

If you wish to receive an email when the export is complete, toggle Send Email on.

Click on Run to receive your data. You'll get a notification when it's ready. Clicking on the notification will start the download of your data.

You may check the progress of the conversion from the Plugin Sessions dialog. More information on checking plugin progress here.

Last updated