Importing Multiple Single-Frame DICOM Files as One Multi-Page Asset

You may group together single-frame 2D DICOM files and upload them to Hub as a single multi-page asset, where each page is one of the DICOM files uploaded.

This functionality is only available for single-frame 2D DICOM files.

You may upload such multi-DICOM assets using the Cloud Import method outlined below.

Uploading Multi-DICOM Assets

Prepare a JSON like the following, where each URL points to a DICOM you'd like to include in the asset. The order of the URLs will determine the order in which images will be presented to the annotator as pages.

The following JSON will import two assets of four DICOMs each:

    "externalId": "my-asset-external-id-1",
    "dataset": [
    "externalId": "my-asset-external-id-2",
    "dataset": [

From your project dashboard, go to the Assets tab and click on Add Data. Then, enter the Cloud Storage section and drag and drop your JSON on the file upload field. Then, press on Upload. Your multi-DICOM asset(s) will be uploaded.

If your DICOM files are in a private bucket, ensure you select the appropriate storage integration from the list on the left.

Assets uploaded this way will have a navigation widget at the top, allowing annotators to navigate between the DICOMs.

Last updated