
Overview of labeling tasks in Ango Hub

Every labeling project is broken down into assets, then individual tasks.

Creating Tasks

Tasks are created automatically when assets are added.

Ango Hub creates one labeling task for each asset.

When an asset is deleted, the tasks assigned to the asset are deleted as well. Importing the asset again will not restore the tasks that have been deleted this way.

Tasks are shown in the Tasks tab.

Task ID. Unique identifier associated with each task.

External ID. Non-unique identifier for each asset. If importing assets with drag and drop, this ID will be equal to the filename of each asset. If uploading using a JSON or the SDK, you will determine this ID on import.

Stage. Stage where the task is currently located and waiting.

Assignee. User currently assigned to annotate the task.

Updated At. Time and date when the task was last updated (e.g. submitted.)

Duration. Total duration of the task. See the page on idle detection for more details.

Consensus. As follows:

Last review. Result of the last review the task went through.

Open Issues. Number of open issues on the task.

Deleting Tasks

To delete a labeling task, from the Assets tab, select the associated asset you wish to delete with the checkboxes on the left, then hover on Actions and click on Delete.

Deleting tasks is a destructive and irreversible action.

Last updated