Ango Export Format

JSON-based universal annotation export format.

Ango Hub exports annotations in its own JSON-based format.

Format of an Export

Overall Format

    { <ASSET> },
    { <ASSET> },
    { <ASSET> }
  • Asset

    • Asset Metadata

    • Task

      • Task Metadata

      • Tools

        • Object Metadata

        • Coordinate / Width / Height information

        • Nested Classifications of Object

          • ... Nested Classifications of Classifications ...

      • Classifications

        • Classification Metadata

        • Classification Answer Information

        • Nested Classifications of Classification

          • ... Nested Classifications of Nested Classifications ...

      • Relations

        • Relation Metadata

        • Relation Information

  • Asset

    • ...

An export is, at its core, an array of assets. Each asset, in turn, contains metadata about itself, plus an object representing the labeling task that was exported.

Each task, in turn, other than metadata about the task itself such as its review status, also contains the actual object annotation data, such as X and Y coordinates of a bounding box, answers to classification questions, relations, and more.

Our export format was created with the main goal of being easy to convert from. Our philosophy is to provide the user with the most control possible over their annotations.

By design, our export format is a malleable one, built to be easy to parse and understand at a first glance, so that you can get to converting it to whatever format you need as quickly as possible.

More on the Ango Export

AssetTaskToolsClassificationsRelationsStage History

Sample Full Export

Last updated