

create_label_set(project_id, tools, classifications, relations, raw_category_schema)

Create and set the project's ontology.

As this method is more complex than others, we recommend also consulting the examples at the end of this section.


  • project_id: string

  • tools: List[ToolCategory], optional

    • List of tools that will be added to the label set.

    • Example: [ToolCategory(Tool.Segmentation, title="SegmentationTool")]

  • classifications: List[ClassificationCategory], optional, default None

    • List of classifications that will be added to the label set.

    • Example: [ClassificationCategory(Classification.Single_dropdown, title = "Choice", options=[LabelOption("First"), LabelOption("Second")])]

  • relations: List[RelationCategory], optional, default None

    • List of relations that will be added to the label set.

    • Example: [RelationCategory(Relation.Single, title="SingleRelationTool")]

  • raw_category_schema: Dict, optional, default None

    • Instead of creating the label set (category schema) using the previous 'tools', 'classifications', and 'relations' parameters, you may pass here a dictionary representing the entire category schema.

    • See the section below for an example.

To get an example of what can be passed as the raw_category_schema, there are two ways:

  • Using the SDK itself, get the category schema from another existing project. This will also allow you to programmatically copy the category schema between two projects, like so:

Example Code
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

# Extract category schema info from the existing project
existing_project = ango_sdk.get_project(project_id="<EXISTING_PROJECT_ID>")
cat_schema = existing_project.get("data").get("project").get("categorySchema")

# Create a new project and retrieve the ID of the newly created project
new_project = ango_sdk.create_project("New Project Title", "New Project Description")  
new_project_id = new_project.get("data").get("project").get("_id")

# Add new category schema to newly created project
ango_sdk.create_label_set(project_id=new_project_id, raw_category_schema=cat_schema)

As an example, a raw_category_schema obtained from a project could be this:

Sample Category Schema
  "tools": [
      "title": "Vehicle",
      "tool": "bounding-box",
      "required": false,
      "schemaId": "c053da596995f93c2c71520",
      "ocrEnabled": false,
      "classifications": [],
      "multiple": false,
      "color": "#f44336",
      "shortcutKey": "1"
  "classifications": [
      "title": "Color",
      "tool": "radio",
      "required": false,
      "schemaId": "75c02176796c17e7c657955",
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "classifications": [],
      "multiple": false,
      "options": [
          "value": "Red",
          "schemaId": "95df97dc43d2e1dcc77d536"
          "value": "Yellow",
          "schemaId": "f477d05947e30259cc53538"
          "value": "Blue",
          "schemaId": "18a8212c7c48c2ee3464602"
      "shortcutKey": "2"
  "relations": []

Label Set Classes


  • BoundingBox

  • Segmentation

  • Polyline

  • Polygon

  • RotatedBoundingBox

  • Ner

  • Point

  • Pdf

  • Brush

ToolCategory Parameters:

  • tool: Tool

    • The tool type. ex.: Tool.Segmentation

  • title: string, default ""

    • The title of the tool.

  • required: bool, default None

    • Whether annotators are required to draw at least one instance of this tool.

  • schemaId: string, default None

    • Sets the tool's schemaId.

  • columnField: bool, default False

    • Whether this tool should be a table column.

  • color: string, default ""

    • The color assigned to this labeling tool, in the format "#FFFFFF"

  • shortcutKey: string, default ""

    • The shortcut to quickly select this tool, "0"-"9", "ctrl+0"-"ctrl+9", "a"-"k"

  • classifications: List[ClassificationCategory], default []

    • List of nested classifications, if any

  • options: List[LabelOption], default []

    • The tool's answers (options.)


  • Multi_dropdown

  • Single_dropdown

  • Tree_dropdown

  • Radio

  • Checkbox

  • Text

  • Instance

ClassificationCategory Parameters:

  • classification: Classification

    • The classification type. ex.:Classification.Tree_dropdown

  • title: string, default ""

    • The title of the classification.

  • required: bool, default None

    • Whether annotators have to answer this classification or not.

  • schemaId: string, default None

    • Sets the classification's Schema ID.

  • columnField: bool, default False

    • Whether this classification should be a table column.

  • color: string, default ""

    • The color assigned to this labeling tool, in the format "#FFFFFF"

  • shortcutKey: string, default ""

    • The shortcut to quickly select this tool, "0"-"9", "ctrl+0"-"ctrl+9", "a"-"k"

  • classifications: List, default [ClassificationCategory]

    • List of nested classifications, if any

  • options: List[LabelOption], default []

    • The classification's answers (options.)

  • treeOptions: List[TreeOption], default []

    • For trees, the tree's leaves/branches.

  • parentOptionId: string, default ""

    • The schema ID of the parent option. That is, the option that the labeler needs to select in order for this classification to appear. Enables conditional nesting.

  • richText: bool, default False

    • Set to True to enable the Rich Text editor for the selected text classification tool.


  • Single

  • Group

RelationCategory Parameters:

  • relation: Relation

    • The classification type. ex.:Relation.Single

  • title: string, default ""

    • The title of the relation.

  • required: bool, default None

    • Whether annotators have to include at least one such relation in order to submit their annotation.

  • schemaId: string, default None

    • Sets the schemaId of the relation.

  • columnField: bool, default False

    • Whether this relation should be a table column.

  • color: string, default ""

    • The color assigned to this relation, in the format "#FFFFFF"

  • shortcutKey: string, default ""

    • The shortcut to quickly select this relation, "0"-"9", "ctrl+0"-"ctrl+9", "a"-"k"

  • classifications: List[ClassificationCategory], default []

    • List of nested classifications, if any

  • options: List[LabelOption], default []

    • The relation's answers (options.)

LabelOption parameters:

  • value: string

    • The text of the answer (option.)

  • schemaId: string, default None

    • The schema ID of the option. Necessary for conditional nesting.


  • output: dict


Example-1: Creating an ontology with:

  • A Single Dropdown classification, with two choices named "First" and "Second":

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK
from imerit_ango.models.label_category import LabelOption, ClassificationCategory, Classification

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

category = ClassificationCategory(Classification.Single_dropdown,
                                  title = "Choice",
                                  options = [LabelOption("First"),

label_set = [category]

response = ango_sdk.create_label_set(project_id=project_id, classifications=label_set)
Resulting category schema
  "tools": [],
  "classifications": [
      "treeOptions": [],
      "tool": "single-dropdown",
      "title": "Choice",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#20549F",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [],
      "options": [
          "value": "First",
          "schemaId": "793a5f9474b64bf5919d943b4cef9b65"
          "value": "Second",
          "schemaId": "47e022c1cc9b41aa9a3d000c7bbc6524"
      "schemaId": "e4dd1c6f65a04d51b3ea66d23c92a321",
      "regex": null,
      "parentOptionId": null,
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "showDropdown": false,
      "richText": false
  "relations": []

Example-2: Creating an ontology with:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK
from imerit_ango.models.label_category import ClassificationCategory, Classification, LabelOption, Tool, ToolCategory, RelationCategory, Relation

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

dropdown = ClassificationCategory(Classification.Single_dropdown,
                                  title = "SingleDropdown",
                                  options = [LabelOption('First'), 
classifications = [dropdown]

segmentation = ToolCategory(Tool.Segmentation, title="SegmentationTool")
tools = [segmentation]

relation = RelationCategory(Relation.Single, title="SingleRelationTool")
relations = [relation]

Resulting category schema
  "tools": [
      "tool": "segmentation",
      "title": "SegmentationTool",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#8BE297",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [],
      "options": [],
      "schemaId": "c51c18700440443695cf1c8239c44360"
  "classifications": [
      "treeOptions": [],
      "tool": "single-dropdown",
      "title": "SingleDropdown",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#C3C6FF",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [],
      "options": [
          "value": "First",
          "schemaId": "0c26447159ce4e7790b47da8c4481681"
          "value": "Second",
          "schemaId": "e39099d2176a494da89833488cf1f88e"
      "schemaId": "5375ac19fd264d6b9fe07060faaac0d6",
      "regex": null,
      "parentOptionId": null,
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "showDropdown": false,
      "richText": false
  "relations": [
      "tool": "one-to-one",
      "title": "SingleRelationTool",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#2D0509",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [],
      "options": [],
      "schemaId": "412f56e2fce4479da05470317e2845c8"

Example-3: Creating an ontology with:

  • A Single Dropdown classification called "Entity Type" with the choices "Vehicle" and "Person"

  • Another Single Dropdown classification nested inside the first unconditionally (that is, any choice in the first dropdown will open this second) named "Position" with the choices "On Road" and "Off Road".

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK
from imerit_ango.models.label_category import ClassificationCategory, LabelOption, Classification

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

nested_class_in_dropdown = ClassificationCategory(Classification.Single_dropdown,
                                                  options=[LabelOption('On Road'),
                                                           LabelOption('Off Road')])

dropdown = ClassificationCategory(Classification.Single_dropdown,
                                  title="Entity Type",

classifications = [dropdown]

ango_sdk.create_label_set(project_id=project_id, classifications=classifications)
Resulting category schema
  "tools": [],
  "classifications": [
      "treeOptions": [],
      "tool": "single-dropdown",
      "title": "Entity Type",
      "required": true,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#96934B",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [
          "treeOptions": [],
          "tool": "single-dropdown",
          "title": "Position",
          "required": false,
          "columnField": false,
          "color": "#978D5E",
          "shortcutKey": "",
          "classifications": [],
          "options": [
              "value": "On Road",
              "schemaId": "8b9cad52f7b84905a697589f402e11e0"
              "value": "Off Road",
              "schemaId": "cbd698bc6805461c9ce2380bec54c429"
          "schemaId": "ab3ed5e9422c453d93c2bb02d6461ca3",
          "regex": null,
          "parentOptionId": null,
          "frameSpecific": false,
          "showDropdown": false,
          "richText": false
      "options": [
          "value": "Vehicle",
          "schemaId": "a21ba3c88b8440738e7945e295ca7545"
          "value": "Person",
          "schemaId": "7c13355b336840f9a9eb10def5c04971"
      "schemaId": "9b42eea24ffc405788a4fad64e21af54",
      "regex": null,
      "parentOptionId": null,
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "showDropdown": false,
      "richText": false
  "relations": []

Example-4: Creating an ontology with:

  • A Tree Dropdown tool with:

    • A root

      • With a "tree0" branch

        • With a "subtree0" leaf

        • With a "subtree1" leaf

      • With a "tree1" leaf

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK
from imerit_ango.models.label_category import ClassificationCategory, Classification, TreeOption

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

subtree0 = TreeOption(title="subtree0")
subtree1 = TreeOption(title="subtree1")
tree0 = TreeOption(title="tree0", children=[subtree0, subtree1])
tree1 = TreeOption(title="tree1")

tree_tool = ClassificationCategory(classification=Classification.Tree_dropdown,
                                  title="Tree One",
                                  treeOptions=[tree0, tree1])

ango_sdk.create_label_set(project_id=project_id, classifications=[tree_tool])
Resulting category schema
  "tools": [],
  "classifications": [
      "treeOptions": [
          "title": "tree0",
          "children": [
              "title": "subtree0",
              "children": [],
              "key": "b4188077d99e4f2cb81cb8089977ee02",
              "value": "b4188077d99e4f2cb81cb8089977ee02"
              "title": "subtree1",
              "children": [],
              "key": "1d313ed3c7e54082af5400f1f589fc4c",
              "value": "1d313ed3c7e54082af5400f1f589fc4c"
          "key": "bcadecdb205d41e783289638a23ad959",
          "value": "bcadecdb205d41e783289638a23ad959"
          "title": "tree1",
          "children": [],
          "key": "96e3ae4f72c84539a0cfc91d7f48c54c",
          "value": "96e3ae4f72c84539a0cfc91d7f48c54c"
      "tool": "tree-dropdown",
      "title": "Tree One",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#9B0EE5",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [],
      "options": [
          "value": "tree0",
          "schemaId": "bcadecdb205d41e783289638a23ad959"
          "value": "tree0 / subtree0",
          "schemaId": "b4188077d99e4f2cb81cb8089977ee02"
          "value": "tree0 / subtree1",
          "schemaId": "1d313ed3c7e54082af5400f1f589fc4c"
          "value": "tree1",
          "schemaId": "96e3ae4f72c84539a0cfc91d7f48c54c"
      "schemaId": "70d5b1df35764048bfebdec5290d6294",
      "regex": null,
      "parentOptionId": null,
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "showDropdown": false,
      "richText": false
  "relations": []

Example-5: Creating an ontology with:

  • A radio classification tool with two possible answers, "Radio Option 1" and "Radio Option 2"

  • A conditionally nested Text classification tool using the rich text editor, which only appears if the labeler clicks on "Radio Option 1" (here, parentOptionId links the text tool to the option which reveals it)

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK
from imerit_ango.models.label_category import ClassificationCategory, LabelOption, Classification

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

radio1 = LabelOption(value="Radio Option 1", schemaId="radioOption1SchemaId")
radio2 = LabelOption(value="Radio Option 2")

conditional_text = ClassificationCategory(classification=Classification.Text,
                                          title="Text Tool",

radio = ClassificationCategory(classification=Classification.Radio,
                               title="Radio Classification",
                               options=[radio1, radio2],

ango_sdk.create_label_set(project_id=project_id, classifications=[radio])
Resulting category schema
  "tools": [],
  "classifications": [
      "treeOptions": [],
      "tool": "radio",
      "title": "Radio Classification",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#C9ABFF",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [
          "treeOptions": [],
          "tool": "text",
          "title": "Text Tool",
          "required": false,
          "columnField": false,
          "color": "#333333",
          "shortcutKey": "",
          "classifications": [],
          "options": [],
          "schemaId": "62d8398f548b4fa4915e639cf4180fbc",
          "regex": null,
          "parentOptionId": "radioOption1SchemaId",
          "frameSpecific": false,
          "showDropdown": false,
          "richText": true
      "options": [
          "value": "Radio Option 1",
          "schemaId": "radioOption1SchemaId"
          "value": "Radio Option 2",
          "schemaId": "8daa04c07bd6462294a45870c9c4fa49"
      "schemaId": "b79f2aeda12346eea6bf16ab5dc0c84f",
      "regex": null,
      "parentOptionId": null,
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "showDropdown": false,
      "richText": false
  "relations": []

Example-6: Creating an ontology with:

  • A radio classification tool with the possible answers "Radio Answer 1" and "Radio Answer 2"

  • A Tree Dropdown classification tool which only appears if the annotator clicks on "Radio Answer 1"

    • The Tree Dropdown has a main root

      • With a branch called "Branch 1"

        • With leaves called "Leaf 1" and "Leaf 2"

      • With a leaf called "Leaf 3"

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from imerit_ango.sdk import SDK
from imerit_ango.models.label_category import ClassificationCategory, TreeOption, LabelOption, Classification

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')
project_id = os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')

ango_sdk = SDK(api_key)

leaf1 = TreeOption(title="Leaf 1")
leaf2 = TreeOption(title="Leaf 2")
leaf3 = TreeOption(title="Leaf 3")

branch1 = TreeOption(title="Branch 1",
                     children=[leaf1, leaf2])

tree_tool = ClassificationCategory(classification=Classification.Tree_dropdown,
                                  treeOptions=[branch1, leaf3],

radio1 = LabelOption(value="Radio Answer 1")
radio2 = LabelOption(value="Radio Answer 2")

radio = ClassificationCategory(classification=Classification.Radio,
                               options=[radio1, radio2])

ango_sdk.create_label_set(project_id=project_id, classifications=[radio])
Resulting category schema
  "tools": [],
  "classifications": [
      "treeOptions": [],
      "tool": "radio",
      "title": "radio",
      "required": false,
      "columnField": false,
      "color": "#C5FA61",
      "shortcutKey": "",
      "classifications": [
          "treeOptions": [
              "title": "Branch 1",
              "children": [
                  "title": "Leaf 1",
                  "children": [],
                  "key": "a5932cf49f804e0fa5c6ae2066875242",
                  "value": "a5932cf49f804e0fa5c6ae2066875242"
                  "title": "Leaf 2",
                  "children": [],
                  "key": "bbb54a7814f84b96857b0b8acb96c0b0",
                  "value": "bbb54a7814f84b96857b0b8acb96c0b0"
              "key": "ba8ce5a3b853420f9b2fb146db969d3f",
              "value": "ba8ce5a3b853420f9b2fb146db969d3f"
              "title": "Leaf 3",
              "children": [],
              "key": "25b78c7dceff4600ad4074ad316980e6",
              "value": "25b78c7dceff4600ad4074ad316980e6"
          "tool": "tree-dropdown",
          "title": "tree",
          "required": false,
          "columnField": false,
          "color": "#F9F415",
          "shortcutKey": "",
          "classifications": [],
          "options": [
              "value": "Branch 1",
              "schemaId": "ba8ce5a3b853420f9b2fb146db969d3f"
              "value": "Branch 1 / Leaf 1",
              "schemaId": "a5932cf49f804e0fa5c6ae2066875242"
              "value": "Branch 1 / Leaf 2",
              "schemaId": "bbb54a7814f84b96857b0b8acb96c0b0"
              "value": "Leaf 3",
              "schemaId": "25b78c7dceff4600ad4074ad316980e6"
          "schemaId": "499e34ff61f4404eac8d7925f8a48119",
          "regex": null,
          "parentOptionId": "radioOptionSchemaId",
          "frameSpecific": false,
          "showDropdown": false,
          "richText": false
      "options": [
          "value": "Radio Answer 1",
          "schemaId": "0805c3451c6045e0b2bd5179f8c2f858"
          "value": "Radio Answer 2",
          "schemaId": "22f59c2ee19d4ca4856a0894388d9780"
      "schemaId": "fbb179f75e334396b31774d4d83badf3",
      "regex": null,
      "parentOptionId": null,
      "frameSpecific": false,
      "showDropdown": false,
      "richText": false
  "relations": []

See also


Last updated