Overview of the Entity labeling tool in Ango Hub
Last updated
Overview of the Entity labeling tool in Ango Hub
Last updated
By default, when using the Entity tool on text assets, the content of the spans is included in the export for your convenience.
If you wish to turn this feature off, please enable the No Span Content toggle in the entity class settings.
The entity labeling tool is a multi-functional tool, used in both audio and text labeling to identify entities.
From the project’s Settings tab, enter the Label Set section.
Click on Add Category. From the list that appears, click on Entity.
A new row will appear named Entity. Click on it to expand it.
Give your entity tool a title.
Enable the Required toggle if you want to force labelers to place one. When the toggle is disabled, labelers will be able to save and move to the next asset without creating an entity.
By default, when using the Entity tool on text assets, the content of the spans is included in the export for your convenience. If you wish to turn this feature off, enable the No Span Content toggle.
If you would like to ask labelers further questions, for example, if you want to show a further radio after placing the entity, click on Add Classification and add a further question. More on nested questions here.
From the Tools section on the left sidebar, select an Entity labeling tool, marked with an underlined A icon.
Click on the waveform where you’d like the annotation to start. Keep the left mouse button pressed and drag until where you’d like the annotation to end. Release the left mouse button.
You can change the start and end points of the annotation by selecting it by clicking it, then by dragging on one of the ends. You can drag the entire annotation by selecting it, then clicking and dragging from the middle of the label.
From the Tools panel on the left sidebar, select an Entity labeling tool, marked with an underlined A. (If none are present, only answer the questions in the Questions panel.)
With the Entity tool selected, click and drag on text to highlight the span you’d like to label:
Double click on a token to quickly annotate it. Double click and drag to add multiple tokens to a span:
If the labels have nested questions, select a label by clicking on it, then right-click on each label and click on the menu item that appears to see and answer the nested questions.
You may click on a text annotation, then drag and drop its ends to modify its length: