The tools object is part of the task objectin the Ango Annotation Format. It contains all annotation data pertaining to labels created with tools, e.g. not classifications, relations, or brushes.
Annotations created with the following annotation tools will appear in the tools object:
Annotations created with the Brush and Medical Brush tools are not saved here. They are instead saved, respectively, in the brushDataUrl and the medicalBrushDataUrl objects within the task object. See the page on the Task object for more.
The page property, in the export, is 0-indexed, while in the Ango Hub user interface it is 1-indexed.
What this means in practice is that pages start at 0 in the export, but 1 in the UI.
So for example, if, in the UI, you create a bounding box at page "12", it will appear under page "11" in the export.
General Structure
"tools" : [{ bounding-box OR rotated-bounding-box OR polygon OR polyline OR segmentation OR ner OR point OR pdf OR spline// object, tool coordinate info
objectId // string, ID of the object schemaId, // string, ID of the labeling tool in the project classifications, // list, nested classifications title // string, title of the tool page // int, page where the object is located interpolationStopped // bool, whether, in videos, the object disappears from this frame on (info below) }, { ... }]
Coordinates in the Ango Annotation Format
This is the coordinate system used when determining the position of points in the Ango export.
The origin point lies at the top left corner, and each point has a (X, Y) coordinate pair determining its position, in pixels, on the image.
Segmentation point coordinates will not be visible in your export unless you activate the "Segmentation Points" toggle in the Export tab under the Fields dropdown.
Metadata for segmentations will not appear even when enabling the Annotation Metadata toggle in the export settings.
Segmentations are composed of instances, zones, regions, and holes.
An instance may contain more than one zone. One zone contains exactly one region. A region can contain more than one hole.
Each of the points composing the segmentation is represented as an X/Y coordinate pair.
{"ner": {"start":319,"end":429, "selection": "desk surface/wrist rest and still reach the buttons. I liked this enough to try to grip it a bit differently (h"
},"objectId":"b6846451de619fa72bf0466","classifications": [],"schemaId":"b1919d09c9770392ebdb948","title":"ent"}
Special Considerations for Video Assets
An annotator may choose to make an object disappear from a video at a certain frame. This can happen, for example, if the annotator was tracking a car in a video and the car left the frame.
To do this, Hub creates an object with the following format in the tools list:
Where the objectId noted matches with the objectId of the object disappearing.
The page property indicates the page at which the object disappeared, 0-indexed. e.g. in the example above, the object was visible in pages 0, 1, 2, and 3.
If the object, later, reappears again, Hub creates another object in the tools list, this time with the interpolationStopped property set to false:
In this case, it means that starting from frame 8 onwards, the object is visible again, until another interpolationStopped=true object appears or, if it doesn't appear, until the end of the video.